Black mesa iron sights
Black mesa iron sights

The sound effects and music have also gotten a pretty big overhaul.

black mesa iron sights

The BMS team have added a lot more context for the place, and overall done a really stellar job of it. Because let’s be honest here: Half-Life was full of corridors and rooms that had no purpose or sense, and the facility felt a bit sparse at times. They’ve put a lot of thought into making the facility layout make more sense. There is pretty much everything you expected to see, and so much more. The initial tram ride is a very different experience, and just walking through the opening bit between the tram and the test chamber was a delight. Black Mesa feels bigger than it ever did. They have clearly put a lot of effort into updating the Black Mesa Research Facility, and while it’s not always for the better, the sheer attention to detail is staggering. Let me start by heaping praise upon the environments. So if you will stay with me let me take you through my thoughts about this mod.

black mesa iron sights black mesa iron sights

This project was entirely fan-made, so it was very interesting to see what they changed, how they changed it, and what was left as it was. So I have a pretty good internal map of what the original game is like, so making my way through Black Mesa has been a weird trip down memory lane.

black mesa iron sights

I have also watched every episode of Freeman’s Mind, many of them twice. I have played Half-Life many times, even if a lot of those times I have stopped at the point where I reach Xen. I finally got some time to play it through to the end, or at least the end of what is currently complete, which is everything before Xen read: the good part. Having been believed to have gone the way of Vaporware considering it took eight years to complete, it is nonetheless out and free for anyone who wants to try it out. So Black Mesa: Source came out last month, very shortly after it being announced that “Hey, it’s coming out now, you guys”.

Black mesa iron sights